
Automatic Submission IconFill empty beds, fast

CH Data provides Social Care Workers and Hospital Discharge Teams in your area with any bed availability you may have, allowing you to maintain capacity.

Recurring jobs iconRecurring Tasks

CH Data includes a powerful “recurring job” system to ensure that important jobs are carried out in a timely manner.
Jobs such as checking fridge temperatures, testing emergency lighting, testing fire alarms, (even taking the bins out!), can all be entered into the system,  alerting users on a recurring basis (daily, weekly, bi-weekly, etc.).
Users can mark tasks as “complete” or fill in more detailed reports,  providing full accountability as to who has done what task at what time.

Log Books IconLog books

Accident, near-miss and other incident logs are all be stored in CH Data.
Log entries are stored against staff members, residents or departments for reporting purposes.
Data is retained for long-term storage.

Training IconTraining tracker

Qualifications & training courses are stored against staff records,  providing an “at a glance” view of when training refresher courses need to be carried out.
Automatic reminders are emailed out to arrange re-training courses.

Accountability IconFull accountability

Changes to records,  entry of new data and viewing of sensitive information is logged with user information,  dates, times, and records of what was changed.
CH Data includes full tracking of user activity.

Full Reporting IconFull reporting

CH Data contains a powerful yet simple report generator.  Managers can create their own reports for use by anyone in the system.
Reports can automatically be generated, providing “at a glance” information for compliance purposes or internal auditing.